Stanley Revisión:

los animales contra vivisectors - Anti-vivisección de los organizadores de la campaña no están en contra de los medicamentos, tratamientos o curas para la enfermedad, sin embargo, lo que queremos es que los productos a ser prueba de una manera que no la tortura y asesinato de animales inocentes; y en una manera que en realidad los beneficios de la especie humana. Queremos más segura, más fiable que los métodos de pruebas implementado que no dañan a los animales o a las personas. - Anti-vivisection campaigners are not against medicines, treatments, or cures for disease, however what we want is for products to be tested in a way that does not torture and murder innocent animals; and in a way that actually benefits human kind. We want safer, more reliable methods of testing implemented which do not harm animals or people.

  • Los médicos y Científicos a Crear la Nueva Sociedad, para Promover la No-Animal Toxicología Métodos de ensayo - animales contra vivisectors - WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Inspired by a National Academy of Sciences' report calling for a new toxicity testing strategy, the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, Inc. (IIVS) and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)...
  • Buenas Razones para Dejar de Vivisección! - los animales contra vivisectors - Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: "Because the animals are like us." Ask the experimenters why it is morally OK to experiment on animals, and the answer is: "Because the animals are not like us." Animal experimentation...
  • Un Desafío Legal a la Investigación Animal, animales contra vivisectors - Animal rights law courses may threaten the use of animals in medical research. A. US law schools were categorized by whether they have an animal law course, are at an institution that performs animal research, or are associated directly with a medical...
  • La disección Comienza en la Famosa Cerebro de los animales contra vivisectors - SAN DIEGO — The man who could not remember has left scientists a gift that will provide insights for generations to come: his brain, now being dissected and digitally mapped in exquisite detail. The man, Henry Molaison — known during his lifetime only...
  • Primado de la Experimentación en los estados UNIDOS - a los animales contra vivisectors - Primate Experimentation in the U.S. on the rise Primate Experimentation in the U.S. The National Picture The Facts About Animal Experiments Primate experimentation.. in the U.S. is out of control. All-time high 69,990 primates are imprisoned in US labs...
  • Farmacéutica de la Ruleta: Experimentos sobre la Población Humana, los animales contra vivisectors - by Stacey Rakic We are physiologically complex beings, a mystery in so many ways. But when we fall ill, we applaud the availability and ease of drugs and rarely study the warnings and potential interactions. Indeed, even with ineffective experiences or...
  • Alianza para el progreso de la Ciencia de los Contadores de los Abusadores de Animales Intento de Resurgimiento de los animales contra vivisectors - As Public Support for Vivisection Wains, Alliance for Progressive Science Counters Animal Abusers' Attempt at Resurgence Dr. Steven Best, Philosopher , Dr. Jerry Vlasak, NAALPO Press Officer Jason Miller, Thomas Paine's Corner, NAALPO Press Officer Camille...
  • BOTOX PROBADO EN RATONES CON la LD50 del MÉTODO de los animales contra vivisectors - Dear Pet Lover, Ipsen was recently discredited by LD50 tests on mice carried out in a commercial animal testing center called Wickham Laboratories in England. The BUAV ( filmed undercover in the laboratory who test the controversial LD50....
  • Al descubierto: Una de las principales BUAV investigación encubierta expone la realidad de la vida y la muerte dentro de un laboratorio británico. - los animales contra vivisectors - Dear Ms Hillier I support the BUAV’s campaign exposing the ugly truth about animal tests in the UK. I urge you to: Comply with your legal obligation to enforce the 3 R’s (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) and to stop licensing the archaic and cruel...
  • Los perros y los gatos no deben ser utilizados para los experimentos-comprometa la seguridad de las personas. Veterinario de la medicina excluidos. - los animales contra vivisectors - To: The President of the United States, The U.S. Senate and The U.S. House Started by: L. Swa_ DEAR ANIMAL WELFARIST: Animal welfare is important to our culture. This proposal is a partial ban on animal research. It's a start. It is unrealistic to expect...
  • Alex Guía para Compasivo de Compras - animales contra vivisectors - Repeat after me .. "I will no longer give my hard-earned dollars (euros, whatnot) to companies that cruelly and needlessly torture animals and spray their faces with banal products." Below, you will find a fairly comprehensive list of companies that test...
  • Alternativas a la vivisección! - los animales contra vivisectors - "There are, in fact, only two categories of doctors and scientists who are not opposed to vivisection: those who don't know enough about it, and those who make money from it." Dr Werner Hartinger, a German surgeon, 1989 This manuscript is, hopefully,...
  • Aves - animales contra vivisectors - Birds There are no available statistics on the use of birds for research in the U.S., as birds bred for research are currently excluded from coverage by the Animal Welfare Act . In the UK, however, birds are the third most commonly used animals after...
  • La pieza de la Historia de los animales contra vivisectors - Britches' Story Britches was the name given by researchers to a Stump-tailed Macaque monkey who was born into a breeding colony at the University of California, Riverside in March 1985. He was removed from his mother at birth and had his eyelids sewn...
  • Los gatos - animales contra vivisectors - Cats Over 20,000 cats are used in research every year in the U.S. A significant proportion of these animals, nearly half, are used in experiments that cause pain and distress. Cat use has been declining gradually, but often they are being replaced with...
  • No hace pruebas en animales, ayudar a los humanos de medicina? 33 aspectos a tener en cuenta... - animales contra vivisectors - (1) Less than 2% of human illnesses (1.16%) are ever seen in animals. (2) According to the former scientific executive of Huntingdon Life Sciences, animal tests and human results agree only '5%-25% of the time'. (3) 95% of drugs passed by animal tests...

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